So, chemo class... I can think of 2 words that describe it very clearly: informative and terrifying.
We were part of a class of 6 individuals who are going to be having chemo. We watched an interesting, though slightly boring, video about chemotherapy and cancer. It answered those "frequently asked questions". Then the nurse who was teaching handed out packets, each was personalized with information on what treatments they would be receiving.
Now for the terrifying part. She proceeded to explain the most common side effects... wow. There are so many side effects, I won't even bother listing them. Let's just say there were more than a dozen. Anyways, I think it shook us both up a bit. Whenever we would start to calm down, she would add an "Oh, but Kent you will probably have _____ as well because you get this extra medication." He kept getting the additional things! Poor guy. Everyone else in the class was probably age 60 or higher and they just kept looking at us and shaking their heads with a really sad look on their face. It was a little awkward with everyone staring, but with Kent being his wonderful self he had the whole class laughing over the truly frightening thoughts of their circumstances. Everyone was smiling by the time we left, and there was a lot of laughter for a room of cancer patients being told how sick they are about to get. I am one lucky gal to have gotten such a sweet guy!
You are lucky to have Kent, because he is a great guy, but he is also lucky to have you. Lyndsey, you are one of the sweetest people I have ever met. We are praying so hard for your family!